May 29, 2017

Key to Progression - Faithfulness

Luk 16:10-12 ESV “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?

There's something in the heart of the Lord which looks at the people who are faithful in the humdrum things of life. His heart goes out to the shepherds in the wilderness, the watchmen on the towers, the farmer with the yoke of oxen, the woman at the well, the tax collector tallying his returns, etc. Often, we miss the opportunity to see God and to serve Him in the ordinary ; we wait for the extraordinary move of God and miss His sweet presence and favor in the ordinary essential phases of our life.

The tender eyes of God are looking at us to reward us at the station where He has placed us. His heart yearns to see us faithful, even as He was faithful. No one has taken a demotion as our Lord, (Phil 2:5-8) who being God emptied himself and took on the form of a servant. He who made all of creation with a Word toiled and sweated in a carpenter's shop to produce a perfect piece of furniture during His earthly years here.

In the above passage, we notice 3 conditions of catching His attention when he looks at us for faithfulness.

1. Be faithful in little (Luk 16:10) - While we are waiting for the Big things in life, be faithful in the little things. Bloom where you are planted! Bring forth the fruit in the things which no one notices and rewards. Be faithful when no one is watching. And the Father in heaven who sees it all, and sees your heart, will surely reward you - and yea, even reward you publicly. How can someone be given a charge of a large project or a task till his ability and faithfulness is proven in the simpler tasks ? If it's true in the secular world, how much more it is relevant in the spiritual world ?!
The moral choices that you exercise to be faithful in the little situations are the same choices that you will make in an enlarged place. The moral fiber has to be developed through the 'seemingly little' daily tasks and choices.
Once you are faithful in the little matters, have faith and expect God to bless you with greater things. (Mat 25:23, Luk 19:17). These rewards would be compounded in eternity as you demonstrate your faithfulness in spiritual matters as well.

2. Be faithful in the matter of money (Luk 16:11) - A believer is a person who has a radical attitude regarding everything. His attitude changes during his conversion towards himself, towards God, towards money, towards this world, towards sin, towards religion, towards his neighbors, etc. One of the key changes is regarding money. We read that love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10) and we also know that Godliness with contentment is a great blessed state to be in (1 Tim 6:6). A disciple of Jesus has a refined attitude concerning money. He has a higher awareness that he is a steward of God's money and he will use it faithfully.
For example, if you take your money ($2000) to the bank and a few weeks later, you visit the bank and talk to the manager. The manager says: "Your account is now at $1500 - because I used $500 for a good charitable purpose" - How would you feel ? You would feel that the manager is an unfaithful steward. Now God is the person who gives His money into your hands. And he expects you to ask Him and get His approval before using it. The attitude of a disciple is : God's will over my will in every aspect of his life - including money.
Be the master over your money - and better still, allow God to be master over your money. Mat 6:24 - No one can serve two masters - It's either God or Money. If you are unfaithful in matter of money, we cannot expect the Lo0rd to grant us eternal riches.

3. Be faithful in another's (Luk 16:12) - When we are working in another's enterprise (whether secular or spiritual), our attitude and output matters for the Lord. Simply put, the Lord's expectation from us is that we would work in another's company or organization as we would for our own organization that we formed or created. May the Lord sharpen our hearts to come to the level of accountability that He expects and rewards. In Col 3:22-24, the Lord talks about the work ethic that he expects from us. Do it with sincerity, and heartily as though you are doing it for the Lord - and He shall reward you!
Col 3:22-24 NIV Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,  since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

May the Lord enable us to fulfill these conditions that He may count us worthy of a progression in His sight. God bless you!

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