Nov 8, 2008

Devotional - Throne of Glory (inheritance)

Jesus"He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the ash-heap, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory."2Sa_2:8

A man can never reach heaven unless he travels heavenwards, Zionwards, in the way that God has marked out for his people to walk in. It is a delusion to think that we are going to heaven unless we know something of divine teaching in the soul. But if we know anything of divine teaching, we know what it is to be poor and needy, we know what it is, more or less, to have our mouth in the dust. But many people do so mistake the way to heaven. The ordinary way is to set up a ladder to reach from earth to heaven, and progressively clambering up the different rungs, at last to climb up into the abode of God. But that is not the way of God's people. They have to go down, down, down, that they may be raised up. It is not with them first"up, up, up,"to scale the battlements of heaven. Every such step upwards in SELF is in reality only a step downwards; but, on the other hand, every step downwards in self, downwards into the depths of poverty, downwards into felt misery, downwards into soul-trouble and the real groanings of a broken heart -- every such step downwards in self is, in fact, a step upwards in Christ.

Until we get to the very bottom there is no promise."He raises up the poor out of the dust."But how? He does it in a moment. The Lord does not raise up his people rung by rung, enabling them to clamber and crawl with their hands and feet to him. But, when he lifts up the poor out of the dust, he gives them a smile which reaches, so to speak, to the very bottom of their hearts; and that smile has such a miraculous power, such a drawing efficacy, that it lifts them in a moment out of the dust into the very bosom of God. When, therefore, the Lord raises up the poor out of the dust, he does not lift them up by a gradual process, step by step as they went down. They were, perhaps, many years going down; but they are raised up in a moment. The God of all grace, by one word, or by one smile, lifts them up in a moment out of the lowest depths of felt degradation,"sets them among princes, and makes them inherit the throne of glory."

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  1. This This is exactly how I experienced my coming to Christ. It wasn’t till I hit rock bottom and surrendered everything to Him that I finally learned to appreciate Him. I am so hungry for Christ I can’t explain it; I don’t remember who said this, but as one author put it, “All else is rubbish”. Christ is my sufficiency for everything. Before I came to know Christ I would always say things like “If loving my family more than God is a sin, then I will remain a sinner”. I have come to realize just how ignorant and selfish I was. I now love Christ with all my heart, mind, and soul and, in that, I have come to love my family infinitely more than I ever did before.

    I like your new site! I am contemplating changing my site too, but it does take so much time. Anyway, I do like your Blog and will continue reading. Thanks for adding me to you BlogCatalog. Is it OK if I list your Blog on my Blog Favorites?

    Take Care and God Bless!


  2. Even before we were born, our Father foreknew us. Even when we were in the pit of ignorance, He knew us. And He waited while we were yielded and ready and gave us the new identity in Christ. In my life, I too have gone through phases of disbelief, atheism, occult, lots of sin, but yet, he drew me near to Him. I can well understand your feelings about family, etc. But it IS a sin to even love your wife or son more than you love your father in heaven.

  3. thanks for the feedback, Scott. Glad that you considered this blog worthy of listing. God Bless!

  4. I agree, Eventhough I do love the Lord more than anything else, that does not distract from my love for my family. Putting God at the head and center of my love has allowed me to love others so much more than before I came to Christ. I have a bit more time today to read some more of your Blog, so I'll be commenting soon. Take Care and God Bless!

  5. yes indeed .. family is probably the biggest gift in the world that God has given us ... It would be so wrong to not give the due love to them ... And especially marriage is a covenant relation!
